Hello and a warm welcome to our amazing community! FNF is open to all middle and high school students, no matter where they come from or what their background is. We are thrilled that you have joined us! Get ready to have fun, worship together, learn about the Word of God, and participate in exciting events throughout the year.
Fridays at 8:00 pm
Main Sanctuary
Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers Welcome!

Youth Missions Trip - Chicago
Chicago Mission Trip (June 8-14, 2025): OYG's Chicago mission trip is a week-long experience focused on discipleship (studying James), service (working with urban ministries), and evangelism (prayer walks and Gospel conversations). The team will stay in Chinatown and is open to all believers in OYG, with special encouragement for 9th graders and below to participate and older students to serve as team leaders. Cost after church support is $350, with a registration deadline of May 4.
Youth Missions Trip - Taiwan
Taiwan Mission Trip (June 26-July 14, 2025): OYG's Taiwan mission trip is a three-week journey divided into two phases: first, partnering with New Blessing Church in Taipei to support various ministries while studying "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper, and second, working with Village Gospel Mission to run a bilingual English camp at a rural southern Taiwan school to build relationships with local students. This trip is open to believers above 10th grade, but priority will be given to youth. The estimated cost after church support is $1,200-1,400. Application deadline is April 6.